Prompt Chaining Dokümantasyonu

Google AI API kullanarak prompt chaining örneği: Event Extraction & Confirmation

Mikail Karadeniz tarafından yazılmıştır



Bu kodu çalıştırmak için aşağıdaki gereksinimlere ihtiyacınız vardır:

  • Python 3.7 veya üzeri
  • Google AI API anahtarı (.env dosyasında)
  • Gerekli Python paketleri: google-generativeai, python-dotenv, pydantic
  • Ek olarak: json, logging, datetime, typing

Paket Kurulumu

Aşağıdaki komutu kullanarak gerekli paketleri yükleyin:

              pip install google-generativeai python-dotenv pydantic

Kullanılan Kütüphaneler


Google AI API ile iletişim kurmak ve modellerden yanıt almak için kullanılır.


Ortam değişkenlerini .env dosyasından güvenli şekilde yüklemek için kullanılır.


Veri modellerini tanımlamak ve doğrulamak için kullanılır.


JSON verilerini işlemek için kullanılan standart kütüphanedir.


Uygulama loglaması için kullanılır.


Tarih ve saat işlemleri için kullanılır.

Adım Adım Kullanım


Ortam Ayarları ve API İstemcisi Oluşturma

load_dotenv() ile .env dosyasından API anahtarını yükleyin ve genai.Client ile API istemcisini oluşturun.

from google import genai
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

api_key = os.getenv("GOOGLE_AI_API_KEY")
client = genai.Client(api_key=api_key)
model_id = "gemini-2.0-pro-exp-02-05"

Veri Modellerinin Tanımlanması

EventExtraction, EventDetails ve EventConfirmation sınıfları, Pydantic kullanılarak tanımlanır.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class EventExtraction(BaseModel):
    First call to extract event from input text
    description: str = Field(description="The description of the event")
    is_calendar_event: bool = Field(description="Whether the event is a calendar event")
    confidence_score: float = Field(description="The confidence score of the event")

class EventDetails(BaseModel):
    Second call to extract details from the description
    name: str = Field(description="The name of the event")
    date: str = Field(description="The date of the event. Use ISO 8601 format.")
    duration_minutes: int = Field(description="The duration of the event in minutes")
    participants: list[str] = Field(description="The participants of the event")

class EventConfirmation(BaseModel):
    Third call to generate a confirmation message
    confirmation_message: str = Field(description="Natural language confirmation message")

Etkinlik Bilgisi Çıkarma (Event Extraction)

extract_event_info(text: str) fonksiyonu, verilen metinden etkinlik bilgilerini çıkarır ve EventExtraction modelini döner.

def extract_event_info(text: str) -> EventExtraction:
    Extracts event information from a text.
    print("Starting event extraction")
    print(f"Extracting event information from text: {text}")
    today ='%A, %B %d, %Y')
    prompt = f"""
    Today is {today}.
    Analyze the following text and extract if the text describes a calendar event.
    Text: {text}
    response = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventExtraction
    result = response.parsed
    print(f"Extraction complete - Is calendar event: {result.is_calendar_event}, Confidence: {result.confidence_score:.2f}")
    return result

Etkinlik Detayları Çıkarma (Event Details Extraction)

extract_event_details(description: str) fonksiyonu, etkinlik açıklamasından detayları çıkarır ve EventDetails modelini döner.

def extract_event_details(description: str) -> EventDetails:
    Extracts event details from a description.
    print("Starting event details extraction")
    print(f"Extracting event details from description: {description}")
    today ='%A, %B %d, %Y')
    prompt = f"""
    Today is {today}. Use this date to understand the references like "tomorrow" or "next week".
    Analyze the following description and extract the event details.
    Description: {description}
    response = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventDetails
    result = response.parsed
    print(f"Extraction complete - Name: {}, Date: {}, Duration: {result.duration_minutes}, Participants: {result.participants}")
    return result

Onay Mesajı Oluşturma (Generate Confirmation Message)

generate_confirmation_message(event_details: EventDetails) fonksiyonu, etkinlik detaylarına göre doğal dilde bir onay mesajı üretir.

def generate_confirmation_message(event_details: EventDetails) -> EventConfirmation:
    Generates a confirmation message for an event.
    print("Starting confirmation message generation")
    print(f"Generating confirmation message for event: {event_details}")
    prompt = f"""
    Generate a natural confirmation message for the event. Sign of with your name; Susie
    Dear Ismail,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that the event has been accepted. 
    I would like to meet with you at 02-02-2025 at 10:00 to discuss the details further.
    Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our meeting.
    Best regards,

    Use the example but be creative about details.
    Event Details: {event_details.model_dump()}
    completion = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventConfirmation
    result = completion.parsed
    print(f"Confirmation message generated: {result.confirmation_message}")
    return result

Etkinlik İsteğini İşleme (Process Event Request)

process_event_request(text: str) fonksiyonu, kullanıcı metni üzerinden etkinlik isteğini işler, uygunluk kontrolü yapar, detayları çıkarır ve onay mesajı üretir.

def process_event_request(text: str) -> Optional[EventConfirmation]:
    Processes an event request and returns a confirmation message.
    print("Processing event request")
    print(f"Processing event request: {text}")

    event_check = extract_event_info(text)
    if (not event_check.is_calendar_event or event_check.confidence_score < 0.7):
        print("Gatekeeping: Event is not a calendar event or confidence score is too low")
        return None

    print("Event is a calendar event, extracting details")
    event_details = extract_event_details(event_check.description)
    confirmation = generate_confirmation_message(event_details)
    print("Confirmation message generated successfully")
    return confirmation

Kod Akışı

  1. Ortam Ayarları: .env dosyasından API anahtarı yüklenir, istemci oluşturulur ve model ID ayarlanır.
  2. Veri Modelleri: Etkinlik çıkarma, detay çıkarma ve onay mesajı için Pydantic modelleri tanımlanır.
  3. Event Extraction: Kullanıcı metninden etkinlik bilgileri çıkarılır.
  4. Event Details Extraction: Etkinlik açıklamasından detaylar çıkarılır.
  5. Confirmation Generation: Etkinlik detaylarına göre onay mesajı oluşturulur.
  6. Gatekeeping: Eğer etkinlik takvim etkinliği değilse veya güven skoru düşükse işlem durdurulur.


Bu script, Google AI API kullanılarak kullanıcı tarafından sağlanan metinden etkinlik bilgilerini çıkarmak, detayları belirlemek ve son olarak doğal dilde bir onay mesajı üretmek amacıyla geliştirilmiştir.

Fonksiyonlar sırasıyla etkinlik çıkarma, detay çıkarma ve onay mesajı oluşturma işlemlerini gerçekleştirir. Eğer metin bir takvim etkinliği olarak nitelendirilmez veya güven skoru düşükse işlem durdurulur.

Tam Kod

from google import genai
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

# Load environment variables from .env file
api_key = os.getenv("GOOGLE_AI_API_KEY")
client = genai.Client(api_key=api_key)
model_id = "gemini-2.0-pro-exp-02-05"

class EventExtraction(BaseModel):
    First call to extract event from input text
    description: str = Field(description="The description of the event")
    is_calendar_event: bool = Field(description="Whether the event is a calendar event")
    confidence_score: float = Field(description="The confidence score of the event")

class EventDetails(BaseModel):
    Second call to extract details from the description
    name: str = Field(description="The name of the event")
    date: str = Field(description="The date of the event. Use ISO 8601 format.")
    duration_minutes: int = Field(description="The duration of the event in minutes")
    participants: list[str] = Field(description="The participants of the event")

class EventConfirmation(BaseModel):
    Third call to generate a confirmation message
    confirmation_message: str = Field(description="Natural language confirmation message")

def extract_event_info(text: str) -> EventExtraction:
    Extracts event information from a text.
    print("Starting event extraction")
    print(f"Extracting event information from text: {text}")
    today ='%A, %B %d, %Y')
    prompt = f"""
    Today is {today}.
    Analyze the following text and extract if the text describes a calendar event.
    Text: {text}
    response = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventExtraction
    result = response.parsed
    print(f"Extraction complete - Is calendar event: {result.is_calendar_event}, Confidence: {result.confidence_score:.2f}")
    return result

def extract_event_details(description: str) -> EventDetails:
    Extracts event details from a description.
    print("Starting event details extraction")
    print(f"Extracting event details from description: {description}")
    today ='%A, %B %d, %Y')
    prompt = f"""
    Today is {today}. Use this date to understand the references like "tomorrow" or "next week".
    Analyze the following description and extract the event details.
    Description: {description}
    response = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventDetails
    result = response.parsed
    print(f"Extraction complete - Name: {}, Date: {}, Duration: {result.duration_minutes}, Participants: {result.participants}")
    return result

def generate_confirmation_message(event_details: EventDetails) -> EventConfirmation:
    Generates a confirmation message for an event.
    print("Starting confirmation message generation")
    print(f"Generating confirmation message for event: {event_details}")
    prompt = f"""
    Generate a natural confirmation message for the event. Sign of with your name; Susie
    Dear Ismail,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that the event has been accepted. 
    I would like to meet with you at 02-02-2025 at 10:00 to discuss the details further.
    Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our meeting.
    Best regards,

    Use the example but be creative about details.
    Event Details: {event_details.model_dump()}
    completion = client.models.generate_content(
            "response_mime_type": "application/json",
            "response_schema": EventConfirmation
    result = completion.parsed
    print(f"Confirmation message generated: {result.confirmation_message}")
    return result

def process_event_request(text: str) -> Optional[EventConfirmation]:
    Processes an event request and returns a confirmation message.
    print("Processing event request")
    print(f"Processing event request: {text}")
    event_check = extract_event_info(text)
    if (not event_check.is_calendar_event or event_check.confidence_score < 0.7):
        print("Gatekeeping: Event is not a calendar event or confidence score is too low")
        return None
    print("Event is a calendar event, extracting details")
    event_details = extract_event_details(event_check.description)
    confirmation = generate_confirmation_message(event_details)
    print("Confirmation message generated successfully")
    return confirmation

appropriate_user_input = "I have a meeting with John tomorrow at 10am for 2 hours"
confirmation = process_event_request(appropriate_user_input)
unappropriate_user_input = "Can you tell me about the weather in Tokyo?"
unappropriate_confirmation = process_event_request(unappropriate_user_input)